Bogdan being trained in BP measurement a man with high blood pressure a store volunteered the umbrella to keep the sun away another woman in yuan yang square bogdan with some of the patients in Dr  Kong's hospital boy with congenital heart disease cardiac ultrasound in our hotel room checking the ecg of one of a patient in Dr Kong's hospital child in yuan yang square delicious lunch offered by Dr Kong doing echo measurements in our hotel room dr kong daughter and wife bogdan shan shan and wang ping dr kong's hospital duckies echo on a man with an acute anteriour MI evening sky examing a patient in Dr Kong's hospital explaining the importance of blood pressure control french child getting mamma's foot massage getting ready to have his bp measured giving advice to a hypertension patient in Yuan Yang Square kong li helps me examine a patient lady with a heart murmur echo showed severe MS measuring bp in the square next to my hotel room in yuanyang one of our yuan yang patients in the waiting room questioning patient with acute MI sunset in yuan yang the team at work in Yuan Yang Square the woman in front is carrying two baby pigs she bought in the market tired after a hard days work two of our patients in the yuan yang waiting area view from our hotel patient waiting room wang ping and shan shan enjoying lunch with Dr Kong wang ping and shan shan on the steps in yuan yang wang ping inviting people to have their bp measured woman and baby in the square woman and her child in yuanyang square wonderful people at the end of a day of hard work writing a prescription for bp measurement yuan yang hypertension patient smoking water pipe in our waiting area yuan yang woman in square